In order to help refugees to gain skills in livelihood activities especially in agriculture, COERR Kanchanaburi organized activity planning meeting with camp-based refugee staff and farmers regularly. Trainings of trainers were organized to equip camp-based staff with knowledge that they can transfer to farmers, provide advice and suggestions during monthly visit. Training for camp-based refugee staff in Tham Hin were organized in February and September; and in Ban Don Yang in March, April and August.
In September, COERR held planning meeting with 23 camp-based staff and farmers in Ban Don Yang camp on September 13 and 22 farmers in Ban Tham Hin on 22 September. In this month, 100 Livelihood handbook were distributed: 50 to farmers in Ban Don Yang and 50 to Ban Tham Hin

Meeting LH Group on 13 September 2017 at Ban Don Yang had 23 participants: 13 male and 10 female
Training on Basic Small Animal Raising was held at Ban Don Yang camp on 14-16 September for 48 camp-based staff, 27 female and 21 male. Later, on 19-21 September, the training was held at Ban Tham Hin, in which there were 56 participants: 30 female and 26 male.
“Basic Small Animal Raising” to Farm-based Livelihood groups numbering 48: 27 female and 21 male farmers during 14-16 September 2017

“Basic Small Animal Raising” Training was organized on 19-21 September 2017 for 56 farmers: 30 female and 26 male

A visit to a Pig raising group had found a pig with seizure. The farmer was about to bury the pig when COERR staff arrived and treat with vaccination and boiling morning glory with laxative. The next morning, after bowel movement, the pig became well.
On 22 September 2017 COERR and camp-based staff meet to plan about farm and non-farm activities. There were 22 persons attending:15 female and 7 male

2,000 catfish were delivered to the fish raising group in Ban Don Yang

1,500 Java Barb and 500 Nile Tilapia were delivered to another fish raising group at Ban Don Yang camp